My One Of A Kind, hand sculpted Character 1/12th scale dolls house dolls and animals are listed for sale in my Bindweed Studio Etsy shop.
Below is a gallery of my dolls, most of which have already been sold but a few are still available. New dolls are added to my Etsy Shop on a regular basis.
This is Bill and Montgomery...
Bill used to work as an actor, but after losing his job due to the Covid 19 pandemic and it’s disastrous effect on the performing arts, Bill followed Government advice and retrained - as a burglar... Bill was really excited earlier this evening as he was getting ready to go out on his first job - he tooled himself up and made sure he dressed the part to ensure he really got into character. He felt great when he left home, but right now he’s really wishing that his training had been just a little more thorough regarding casing the joint - and also on dealing with disgruntled and potentially violent pets. Bill really wasn’t expecting to come face to face with Montgomery- he’s tried acting confidently, but he’s not fooling anyone - Montgomery can hear the tremulous quiver in his voice every time Bill hopefully calls him a ‘Good boy’ or asks him to ‘Sit and stay’. Bill’s stomach always plays up when he’s nervous, and right now he’s bricking it - there’s a decidedly unpleasant aroma in the air and in all honestly Bill can’t blame it on the dog. He can see a decidedly psychotic glint in Montgomery’s eyes - he’s pretty sure that right now Montgomery has absolutely no intention of being a good boy.... |
MELISSA, TOBY & FANGThis is Melissa, Toby and Fang...
Toby is 11, it was his birthday last week. His mum and dad went their separate ways about a year ago and now Toby spends every weekend with his dad. Toby has just come back from a weekend stay. His mum had begrudgingly agreed that he could spend his birthday money on a hamster. Toby’s dad took him to the pet shop this morning before dropping him back home to Melissa. He knows it would be an understatement to say that Melissa’s not a fan of spiders, let alone tarantulas... Even sitting in the car with the engine running, Toby’s dad can hear her screams! He should have listened to his mum, she always said you could never trust a bottle blond... Not that he’s bitter or anything about the split- but this will teach her for having it away with the milkman..... |
BIG MERVThis is Mervin...
Known as ‘Big Merv’ to all of his friends, this man mountain’s personality is is big as his waist line... Today Merv is at his niece’s 18th birthday party - it’s currently only 5pm, but Mervin is already more than ready for the buffet that starts at 6 o’clock.... Having clocked Big Merv, the caterer is already quaking in his boots- Mervin’s appetite is legendary- he single handedly bankrupted the local ‘All You Can Eat’ Indian restaurant! Don’t be fooled by Mervin’s jovial and placid demeanour- as soon as those serving platters have been uncovered he’ll be at that table faster than a whippet - and the cutlery he’s brandishing isn’t for eating with - he’s tooled up ready to slice and dice anyone who tries to get in between him and the Coronation Chicken...... |
BENJAMIN & SANDYThis is Benjamin and Sandy...
Benjamin has come to pick up his new girlfriend from her flat as they’re going on a date. She’s just nipped to the bathroom to finish getting ready and left him with her dog Sandy - she’s hoping they’ll hit it of. Unbeknown to her they seem to have hit it off rather to well....To be honest, Benjamin was secretly hoping fur some ‘jiggy jiggy’ action tonight, but this really wasn’t what he had in mind!! He’s been frantically trying to dissuade randy Sandy, but Sandy’s like a dog with a bone.... |
DONNA & DECLANThis is Donna and Declan....
Declan’s class recently started learning to play the recorder so they can perform in the school Christmas Carol concert. He was really excited when his teacher handed out recorders for him and all of his classmates to take home so they could practice - over the last week and a half he’s been practicing ‘Silent Night’ non stop - oh the irony!! Since then, Donna has resorted to drinking several very, very large gin and tonics every night - it hasn’t really helped and right now she’s pretty sure that if she has to listen to yet another tortuous rendition that you can forget ‘Peace and Goodwill to all men’ because she’s going to ram that bloody recorder right where the sun doesn’t shine.... |
RALPHThis is Ralph....
Ralph is feeling more than a little bit icky, in fact he thinks that if he throws up anymore that he’s going to turn himself inside out - the last 15 minutes have pretty much felt like he was auditioning for ‘The Excorcist’. He’s currently seriously regretting eating the extra large doner and chips that he bought from the somewhat notorious ‘Sweaty Betty’s’ Kebab House - when they asked if he wanted everything on his kebab he didn’t realise that included salmonella.... |
DARRENThis is Darren ...
Darren is out with the lads. The night is still young but he’s already on his eighth can of larger and he’s also downed a fair few Jägerbombs. So far he’s having a great night, in fact he keeps telling anyone who will listen that it’s the ‘best night ever’- it’s a shame really that when he wakes up in the morning in his own front garden with an empty wallet, a traffic cone wedged on his now throbbing head and cold, wet, pee soaked trousers, that he won’t remember any of it... |
HELEN & ALFIEThis is Helen and Alfie....
Helen is looking after her grandson Alfie for the evening - it’s been a long time since she’s looked after a baby and she’d forgotten that something so angelic looking could create such a noxious stench! She’s pretty sure her own children couldn’t possibly have smelt so bad... Helen’s idyllic vision of grand-parenthood ran more along the lines of buying lots of adorable, designer baby clothes and accessories than being up to her elbows in poo... With the amount of fertiliser she’s just discovered in Alfie’s nappy she’s really not surprised that he’s growing into such a bonny boy! Right now Helen is wishing she’d never offered to babysit - but before she totally rules out doing it again she’s going online to check to see if Mothercare carry a range of hazmat suits and gas masks in a nice Laura Ashley print - after this horrific experience she’s pretty sure someone must stock them.... |
EARLThis is Earl...
After being told by his mum that he’d never get a girlfriend unless he started to get out more, Earl decided he needed to find himself a new interest. He tried his hand at ballroom dancing but quickly discovered he had two left feet - which really wasn’t attractive to the ladies (neither sadly it appeared, was his comb over). Then one night as he sat alone at home, despondently flicking through the channels, he came across a documentary about women who fall in love with serial killers, so he thought he’d give it a stab... He first few attempts were pretty dire (resulting in one victim with a grazed knee and another two with what appeared to be paper cuts) but after tonight’s slash fest he’s starting to get the hang of it. He’s pretty sure if he carries on at this rate he might even get to first base with some lucky lady by the end of the month... |
HERMANThis is Herman...
Herman is a long term resident in the ‘Twighlight Days’ Nursing Home’. At 83 years old he’s physically still in fine fettle, but there are some signs that he’s starting to loose his marbles, and also apparently his inhibitions! His new favourite pastime is sneaking into the communal sitting room in nothing but his raincoat and flashing the unsuspecting residents. Yesterday, when they saw him in his ‘au natural’ state, Iris and Nora both immediately had a stroke - Doris, the old dear sitting next to them however couldn’t reach..... |
NEIL & MIRANDAThis is Neil and his new pet boa constrictor Miranda....
Neil had always fancied owning a snake - but at this exact moment in time he’s really not quite so sure! He’s starting to suspect he might have found the reason that Miranda was advertised for sale so cheaply on PreLoved Pets. In retrospect he’s starting to wish he’d plumped for a hamster instead.... |
KATIEThis is Katie...
Katie likes tattoos, hair dye and chocolate. Lots of chocolate... Katie has a Slimming World weigh in this evening - she’s having a sneaky ‘pre-weigh in’ peek to see if she’s lost anything - it looks like she really shouldn’t have eaten that family pack of Snickers! Katie is considering swapping over to Weight Watchers, she thinks that might give her better results, after all she’s very good at watching her weight, she’s been watching it steadily increase for weeks...... |
EMMAThis is Emma...
Emma’s always fancied becoming a bit of a domestic goddess, and after watching a few to many episodes of ‘Bake Off’ she decided to whip up a few delicious cupcakes and fresh fruit tarts to take along to wow the other mums at the School PTA meeting... Who would have though that the contents of one bag of flour could practically redecorate her whole kitchen? She certainly won’t be getting a Paul Hollywood handshake for her efforts - and to be honest the shock of it all has given her a bit of a soggy bottom..... |
DAWNThis is Dawn....
And stretch, and bend, and stretch and bend... Dawn has struck it lucky on Tinder and has bagged herself a date for Friday night, the problem is that her profile picture is from when she was at least 4 dress sizes smaller, so she’s dusted off her old “Legs, Bums and Tums” DVD in a last ditch effort to lose those love handles and shed at least 3 stone before the weekend. She thinks she’s definitely on track, she’s even ate some salad with her kebab last night - it actually wasn’t to bad once she’d smothered it in mayonnaise... She knows how important it is to keep yourself hydrated when your exercising so she downed a couple of energy drinks before she started. She’s been at it now for at least 2 minutes and to be frank she’s already totally knackered- it’s only the thought of sinking her teeth into the doughnuts she bought for her post workout snack that’s keeping her going..... |
NIGELThis is Nigel...
Nigel has man flu - he’s been sneezing all morning. He’s feeling very weak and doesn’t have the strength to change out of his pyjamas- although he thinks he could probably just about muster the energy to eat some hot buttered toast and a nice bowl of chicken soup. He’s considering calling the emergency services as he’s pretty sure he’ll need to be on an intravenous Lemsip drip before nightfall.... |
MRS MIGGENSThis is Mrs Miggens...
Mrs Miggens was recently widowed (the word around town is that she literally wore her husband out - apparently he died with a huge smile on his face and a huge - errr well let’s just say that the undertaker had some problems closing the lid of the coffin....) This septuagenarian sexpot is already on the look out for another man to satisfy her insatiable appetite - she’s trialled quite a few of the local menfolk, but even with liberal doses of viagra, none have been able to keep up with her demands. She’s getting ready for a night out tonight (dinner and dance at the local old folks home) so she’s got her best undies on just incase she strikes it lucky... |
SARAHThis is Sarah
Sarah is very particular when it comes to oral hygiene, she religiously brushes and flosses morning, noon and night as-well as after ever snack and meal. Her breath is always minty fresh. It’s just a shame that all that incessant over brushing has led to dental abrasion and receding gums , but hey ho! |
CHRISThis is Chris...
Chris has a bladder the size of a walnut, he’s been 4 times this morning already! Let’s hope that if he sprinkles when he tinkles, he’ll be sweet and wipe the seat..... |
AGGIE & ARTEMISThis is Aggie and her raven Artemis.
Aggie didn’t particularly want to be a witch, in her younger days, she quite fancied being a beautician but her school careers advisor said she didn’t really have the face for it and instead suggested she either become a crazy old cat lady or pursue a career in Witchcraft. Aggie never really saw herself as a ‘cat person’ so she opted for the later option. It turned out to be a great choice and Aggie has never looked back - it’s’s been slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails ever since and it turns out there’s a roaring trade for spells and potions. Her eyesight is failing a little bit now and even with her reading glasses she sometimes struggles to read her spell books, but Aggies’s not perturbed - she still earns enough to keep the wolf from the door by selling Avon beauty products on the side.... |
VLADIMIR & JANEThis is Vladimir and Jane...
Jane has always had a bit of a fetish for vampires- she often sleeps in a long white nightdress with the window open, just incase. None had ever taken the bait before - so its ironic really that the one night when a passing bloodsucker does want to sink his fangs into her neck that she’s eaten a hefty portion of garlic bread for dinner- the full onslaught of her breath is enough to stop a rhinoceros in its tracks- one more step forward and this handsome vamp will be history... |
ADAMThis is Adam....
Adam used to work in HR but since he got bitten at the office party on Tuesday he’s now part of the zombie apocalypse. After a few to many drinks he’d been lured into the stationary cupboard by Tina from accounts - he thought she looked a bit rough (in retrospect that vacant expression and the rotting flesh really should of given the game away). One ‘love bite’ later and ever since then he’s been craving brains. All in all it’s not been the best week.... |
MATTIEThis is Mattie
Mattie sees himself as the next Ed Sheeran. He’s only been playing guitar for a couple of weeks but he’s already applied to audition for next years “X Factor”- he’s pretty sure he’ll smash it! Mattie isn’t really the best at singing - but next doors cat seems to be a fan - every time Mattie belts out a tune Mittens joins in..... Mattie will be sold with his guitar case - when he finally realises that he’s just another talentless wannabe at least he’ll have somewhere to keep his guitar while it gathers dust... |
AMYThis is Amy
Amy is 8 years old. This red headed little miss has just been visited by the tooth fairy - she found £2 under her pillow this morning which she used to buy some nice sugary donuts. Amy really really likes sweet things, but Amy’s not very good at brushing her teeth and some of them already have holes in them. The tooth fairy thinks she definitely overpaid for Amy’s rotten old tooth - next time she’s only getting 50p... |
SHARONThis is Sharon...
Sharon comes from a long line of Witches and Warlocks. Her father wanted to call her Griselda, but her mother was set on the name Sharon - Sharon has harboured a deep festering resentment all of her life that her mother didn’t name her something more ‘Witchy’. Sharon turned her mother into a toad when she was eight... Today Sharon is making a potion to try and cure the ‘gippy tummy’ she’s had for the last few days after eating a stew made out of Ogres Eyeballs, Puppy Dog’s Tails and dried Hedgehog Snouts - it’s her favourite meal but it always plays havoc with her digestion. Unfortunately she seems to be pretty much out of Goblin Water which is one the key ingredients. Poor Sharon... |
GISELLEThis is Giselle.....
This flirty little French maid will certainly clear away the cobwebs.... Ooh la la! |
HENRIQUEMeet Henrique.
Henrique is a very dapper little chap... Originally from Calais in France he inadvertently stowed away onboard a P&O Ferry, hidden away inside a crate of Camembert that he had decided to investigate for his lunch. By the time he’d finished eating the ferry had docked, and Henrique has been here ever since. He’s really taken to living in the English countryside. He owns several tweed suits which he thinks gives him a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’..... |
SVENThis is Sven
Sven is originality from Sweden. This handsome Nordic giant runs his own gardening business- “Viking Garden Services”. He finds the climate much warmer here than it was back home in Sweden and often takes his shirt off when he starts to build up a sweat. Sven isn’t really much good at gardening - he’s already managed to kill several rose bushes and a Buddlea, but it seems that the local ladies are very forgiving because for some reason his appointment book is always full..... |
JOHNNYThis is Johnny.
Johnny is a lad of few words, however he still seems quite adept at making his views clear! He’s spent a long time standing in front of the mirror practicing his ‘Pretty Vacant’ expression and perfecting his Billy Idol sneer. He’s actually not really that rotten- he visits his gran every Sunday for a cup of tea and a packet of custard creme biscuits, but don’t tell anyone, you might ruin his street cred..... |
CELESTEThis is Celeste.
Celeste is pregnant with her first child. She’s very excited about meeting the new arrival and has been out shopping to stock up on all of the essentials. She’s thoroughly enjoyed her pregnancy despite the morning sickness, raging hormones, constipation, chronic heartburn (made worse no doubt by her sudden insatiable appetite for pickled gherkins), swollen ankles and the extraordinary sensation of her bladder being used as a football. Celeste thinks it’s been absolutely great eating for two!! Once the baby’s born though she’s convinced she’ll be back in her skinny jeans in no time. Poor deluded Celeste...... |
DEENADeena has had a bad day - one of those days where all you can do is go home and put on your pyjamas.
Not only did she catch her (now ex) boyfriend playing tonsil tennis with her (now ex) best friend, she’s also discovered that the new waterproof eyeliner that she spent all of her pocket money on really isn’t waterproof. Deena has decided to give up on men, she’s embarked on a deep and meaningful relationship with a tub of ice cream, because ice cream is always there for you and it never lets you down... |
MICHAELThis is Michael
Michael is 3 and a half years old. You would never guess from that angelic little face that Michael has finally worn himself out after throwing the mother of all tantrums. When it comes to lying on the floor, kicking and screaming, Michael could be an Olympic medalist. His parents love him a lot... But they especially love him when he is sleeping.... |

Life can be hard when your 6 and three quarters. Jayden is not a happy bunny. Not only is he not allowed to go to the park because he has to go and visit his Great Auntie Flo (who always wipes dirt off his face with a spit covered handkerchief) - he also has to tidy his bedroom as soon as he gets home.... He’s certainly not having a very ‘Hoppy Day’!

Cain doesn't like to look quite the same as everyone else - he thinks he looks the business with his stubble, wide, slicked back mohican, his cherry red Dr Marten's, rolled up jeans and white braces, and he'd really like you to think that he doesn't care if you don't agree....
I have loved miniatures for many years but since being bitten by the dolls house bug, have only just started to work in 1/12 scale.
These dolls range in height between approximately 3.5 inches to 6.5 inches tall from head to toe, and are hand sculpted in polymer clay. They are all hand sculpted from polymer clay and are One Of A Kind pieces. I also love making 1/12 scale animals- these again are sculpted in polymer clay and then covered in tiny pieces of various fibres to make fur.
I also enjoy sculpting at a slightly larger size where I am able to get more detail into my work. Please follow the link to see my larger sculpted art dolls.
These dolls range in height between approximately 3.5 inches to 6.5 inches tall from head to toe, and are hand sculpted in polymer clay. They are all hand sculpted from polymer clay and are One Of A Kind pieces. I also love making 1/12 scale animals- these again are sculpted in polymer clay and then covered in tiny pieces of various fibres to make fur.
I also enjoy sculpting at a slightly larger size where I am able to get more detail into my work. Please follow the link to see my larger sculpted art dolls.